ISFM European Feline Congress 2018 Feline urology & feline oncology

27 June – 1 July 2018


La Socie­tà Inter­na­zio­na­le di Medi­ci­na feli­na sarà nel­la bel­lis­si­ma cit­tà ita­lia­na di Sor­ren­to per il suo Con­gres­so Euro­peo Feli­no 2018.


World class spea­kers and feli­ne CPD with like-min­ded vets from all over the world — what more could you ask for!

Join the ISFM team and a host of expert spea­kers for five days of thought­pro­vo­king and prac­ti­cal talks. We have three excep­tio­nal spea­kers in the field of onco­lo­gy with a wealth of expe­rien­ce – David Vail, Nick Bacon and Juan Bor­re­go – who will talk us throu­gh the many chal­len­ges and obsta­cles which occur when trea­ting the feli­ne can­cer patient, as well as brin­ging us new data and rele­vant research.

Cove­ring the uro­lo­gy ses­sions, we are extre­me­ly luc­ky to have four talen­ted spea­kers – Rosan­ne Jep­son, Rebec­ca Ged­des, Hei­di Sje­tre Lund and Roswi­tha Dor­sch. Brin­ging their kno­w­led­ge toge­ther they will help us more effec­ti­ve­ly tac­kle kid­ney and uri­na­ry tract pro­blems, pro­vi­ding prac­ti­cal advi­ce, treat­ment methods and ongoing mana­ge­ment of the­se conditions.

For dele­ga­tes wan­ting to gain an even grea­ter level of kno­w­led­ge in the­se topics, we are run­ning three master­clas­ses which can be boo­ked in addi­tion to the main programme.

ISFM Euro­pean Feli­ne Con­gress 2018 — Full programme


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