Katharina Zwicklbauer wins the 2024 Young Scientist Award

The 2024 ABCD Young Scien­ti­st Award, fun­ded by Boeh­rin­ger Inge­lheim Ani­mal Health has been pre­sen­ted to Dr Katha­ri­na Zwic­kl­bauer (27), of the Small Ani­mal Cli­nic of the Lud­wig-Maxi­mi­lians-Uni­ver­si­ty in Munich, Ger­ma­ny. She recei­ved her award after a short pre­sen­ta­tion at the recent con­gress of the Inter­na­tio­nal Socie­ty of Feli­ne Medi­ci­ne, held in Mal­ta from 27 to 30 June.